Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Word of the week: Arsesome (adj., fictional) In reference to a particularly desirable rear end.
Use: "Mate, check it out. That is arsesome!"
"Dude, not cool! That's my Mum!"

Yup, you think about some fairly strange things when you're by yourself for so long. Not a clue what influenced this bit of randomness, but it definitely wasn't the waitresses from the other night.

Cornell University Campus, Ithaca NY
So, the broken spoke. Google promised thunderstorms but instead it was incredible sunshine which made pushing the bike up the mountain bloody hard going. Knackered after 10 miles when I finally got picked up. The guy who stopped was in the area because his two sons were wine makers so he'd bought some land to turn into a vineyard. He gave us a lift all the way into the middle of Ithaca and to the edge of the Cornell University campus which was handy as the campus is on one hell of a hill with another gorge.

Gorge, Ithaca NY
Started off the day with pissing rain. Most people complain about the rain, but after the heat and the distances I'm covering the rain makes things easier. Once you're soaked, getting wetter just doesn't happen so as long as you keep moving and don't get cold it's all good. Tonight I won a pub quiz! Randomly wandered into a pub that looked decent and had some quality beers. As well as incredible food (I had an awesome meatloaf) they were running a trivia quiz. Which British luxury car maker made the Spitfire engine? Which duo wrote the opera Mikado? I was, well, not really on fire but I was getting a couple of questions right. For the final question, with the topic of Scotland, each team bet the current score of a team. So you could lose the current score of the worst team if you got the question wrong and bet conservative, or go big and bet for the current score of the best team with big rewards if you got the right answer and a big loss if you got it wrong. We bet big, and the question...
What is the name of the pouch traditionally worn with the kilt?
BOOM! I own two of these and finally, proof that my 4 years at St Andrews haven't gone to waste. $10 gift card in the bag with a final score of 9 hundred and something. Second place had a score of 0. Best cheap meal I've had.

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