Friday, June 15, 2012

PB? Smashed!

Aching: Everywhere.

Somewhere in Pennsylvania
Detours aren't always fun. Cycling across Pennsylvania, there was a bridge down so I had to take a bit of a detour. I was told the best way to go by an old guy in a local shop. Off I go to find that my new route is dirt track and hill. With skinny tires, a very weak rear wheel and suspect brakes, this is not good. Once in Williamsport I was directed to a motel another 8 miles out of town past a massive hill with roadworks where I was told by one of the workmen that I was just going to get hit if I carried on. Made it safely enough to the motel in the middle of nowhere but then had to walk 2 miles to find dinner.

Susquehanna River, Nr. Harrisburg PA
I've been averaging about 40 miles cycling a day which worked out nicely as I was about 80 miles from Harrisburg so I could get there in 2 days. Looked at the 40 mile mark, and there is nothing in the area. It'd have to be a 60 mile trip and a 20 mile trip, or a 20 mile trip and a 60 mile trip. Don't really feel like doing a 20 mile trip. At the beginning of the adventure and when it was chucking it down it was alright, but I can do better than that now. I nailed 65 miles in an afternoon, so why not 80 miles in a day? Previous personal best distance, was 65 miles. Yesterday I nailed 85 miles all the way into Harrisburg.

Remember Terri and Chuck from Portsmouth NH? They're the ones who helped me when my first spoke broke and gave me a lift to the brilliant Pappa Wheelies bike shop. I'm now staying with Terri's sister, Mary.

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